




爱游戏平台是正规的吗侥幸LVD2 Volt光。



有多少次你说:“这个人,我觉得我已经被车撞。”Well, there's one Fluke digital multimeter in Chicago that knows just how you feel. Albert Abaravicius was on duty on a Friday night in February, working for the Chicago Transit Authority. Abaravicius was down in the maintenance pit with a Fluke 75 III trying to find out why a transit bus's horn was not working. The Fluke 75 discovered a bad ground at the horn. Abaravicius repaired the problem, then started up the bus and moved it back into its parking slip for the night. "When I walked back from the bay, I saw the meter lying by the side of the pit," he said. "I had run the Fluke meter over with the bus. I picked it up thinking it was garbage. But I turned it on - and it worked!" The bus weighs a total of 25,000 pounds, Abaravicius says, and there was not a scratch on the meter. "What is this instrument made of?" he asked, telling Fluke the story. "I can really say it is indestructible."


Ivar萨巴莱塔是一个电子技术员谁做现场维护公司在玻利维亚。最近,一个叫Ivar矿业公司解决问题。Ivar花了两天时间修理设备450英尺下表面水平,他DMM挂在他的腰带。当他完成时,Ivar骑马返回地面我衰老的电梯。到达地面他撞的电梯走了出去。惊恐地往下看,他看到了明亮的黄色计消失在电梯之间的狭小空间和矿井的墙壁。他跟着它的体面,直到它消失在黑暗中。矿业公司的技术员摇了摇头,告诉Ivar轴是600英尺深,底部大约10英尺的水。“悲伤,我想我的爪丢了,”Ivar回忆说。爱游戏平台是正规的吗一短时间之后,有人发现Ivar浸泡米坑的底部,包装起来,寄给他。 "When I received the multimeter it was wet and dirty," he said. "I disassembled it to clean and remove all of the humidity, then switched it on and it worked perfectly! Only one of the test leads was damaged."


哈伦·奥哈拉到家的时候,消防队员在他的房子的屋顶剪出了一个洞来创建一个消防出口路线。蜡烛燃烧变成了无人看管的大火烧毁了他的部分单层房屋在圣何塞,加州和离开的其余大部分受损。奥哈拉,英特尔公司的电子工程师,和他的家庭失去了他们的大部分财产,房子的一部分。所以奥哈拉福禄克数字多用表,不抱什么希望,一直躺在衣柜在卧室,大火已经开始。爱游戏平台是正规的吗外壳已经融化成一个畸形的水坑,显示屏有皱纹的脸和不透明。“这是一个原始(模型)87年,“奥哈拉回忆道。“这是可能已经10或12岁。我只是挥动它——它了。背光来了。”O'Hara couldn't see the readings until he chipped away the damaged screen facing. "Once that was off, you could see the numbers," he said. "I couldn't believe it."


当电工川崎制造厂的林肯,内布拉斯加州,借了他父亲的ScopeMeter®199使用现场培训类,他不知道。199和手提箱被盗他锁车才能得到米回家。“显然坏人把单位的车被警察追赶时,“侥幸代表里克·麦科伊说,进行了培训。爱游戏平台是正规的吗担心警察不知道是在逃离的暗箱,扔车。消防部门x光检查的时候,他们决定“暗箱”布满了电线和某种类型的electrical-looking设备。“消防部门决定打击的情况下打开explodable飞镖,用水浇灭的内容为了安全起见,”麦科伊说。“他们吹的情况之后,他们削减所有的测试引线要确定范围不会爆炸。”By the time authorities were sure the water-logged ScopeMeter posed no danger, they had destroyed the electrician's 80T-IR, his ac/dc current clamp, the 199's hard carrying case and all of his other ScopeMeter accessories. Amazingly, however, the projectile fired at the case was deflected on its way through and missed the 199 itself. Kawasaki electricians took the 199 back to the shop, dried it off, attached a set of borrowed leads, and pressed the power button to find that it was fine to test another day.