爱游戏平台是正规的吗Fluke 820-2 LED频闪仪
爱游戏平台是正规的吗Fluke 820-2 LED频闪仪是额定 的5通过1.
- 坚固耐用,结构紧凑,易于使用的频闪仪,用于检查机械转速,无需物理接触或需要反光带
- 具有高强度7 led阵列- 4800勒克斯@ 6000 FPM/30厘米
- 提供具有均匀闪光特性的高效LED固态光源,允许更高的闪光速率-30 - 300000 FPM(每分钟闪光)
产品概述:Fluke 820-2 L爱游戏平台是正规的吗ED频闪仪
识别旋转设备的运行速度可能很困难,但Fluke 820-2 LED频闪仪简化了这一过程,允许您执行停止运动诊断,而无需实际停止或与您正在工作的机器进行接触。爱游戏平台是正规的吗无论您是试图诊断寄生振荡、滑移还是不必要的扭曲,820-2 LED频闪仪都是理想的一线故障排除、工艺或产品研发工具。
- 包括数字脉冲宽度调制异常清晰的图像在高速
- 提供坚固耐用的设计,使用固态led,没有灯丝、气体、中空腔或玻璃;(1米跌落测试)
- 石英精度控制系统高精度- 0.02%(+/- 1位数字)
- 提供多线LCD显示
- 包括提前或延迟闪光定时查看齿轮齿,切割面,重复,或漂移设备
- 功能简单的按钮操作,2x和÷2按钮,方便调整
规格:Fluke 820-2 L爱游戏平台是正规的吗ED频闪仪
机械规范 | |
大小(HxWxL) | 5.71厘米× 6.09厘米× 19.05厘米 |
2.25英寸x 2.4英寸x 7.5英寸 | |
重量 | 0.24公斤 |
环境规范 | |
工作温度 | 0℃至+45℃ |
储存温度 | -10℃~ +50℃ |
工作湿度(无凝结) | 不凝结(<10°C) |
90% RH(10°C ~ 30°C) | |
75% RH(30°C ~ 40°C) | |
45% RH(40°C ~ 50°C) | |
吸收/腐蚀 | 30°C, 95% RH, 5天 |
产品功能正常 | |
操作高度 | 2000米 |
存储高度 | 12000米 |
振动 | MIL-PRF-28800F 2级 |
耐冲击 | 1米落差 |
Emi, rfi, emc | EN61326-1:2006 |
安全合规 | |
机构的批准 | CE |
污染等级(SELV | |
各种各样的规格 | |
闪光频率 | |
范围 | 30至30万FPM |
0.5 ~ 5000 Hz | |
精度 | 0.02% |
决议 | 30至999 FPM = 0.1 |
1000 ~ 30万= 1 | |
0.5 Hz ~ 999 Hz = 0.1 | |
1000hz ~ 5000hz = 1 | |
频率设置 | FPM或Hz |
闪电脉冲 | |
持续时间 | μs或度可调 |
延迟 | μs或度可调 |
光 | |
颜色 | 大约6500k |
发射输出 | 4800 lx @ 6000 FPM 30厘米 |
外部触发 | |
方法 | 外部控制触发器的连接器 |
高水平 | 3v ~ 32v |
低的水平 | < 1 V |
最小脉冲宽度 | 50 μs连接 |
型号:Fluke爱游戏平台是正规的吗 820-2 LED频闪仪
如果你正在寻找一些东西来检查弹性体联轴器,链条,或传动带,而设备运行时,你已经知道速度,没有什么比在你的口袋里更好的了。它在运行设备的PM检查方面做得很好。在使用了3-4年后,我对它非常满意。这款频闪灯最大的优点是它的尺寸……没有什么能与之相比。这也是一个简单而不笨重的方法来检查旋转方向上的电机已经运行。拨转转速,然后降低大约5转,无论电机风扇或轴看起来是什么方向,都是实际的旋转方向。最大的缺点是使用+/-按钮来锁定RPM非常令人沮丧。当你按住按钮的时间越长,速度变化的速度就越快,就像指数增长一样。如果你需要移动超过100 fpms,忘记它吧…… you are going to overshoot or undershoot the speed you are trying to get. The user settings should have included something that limits or adjusts the rate of change with the +/- buttons. If I wanted to increase the speed as fast as it would go, I would have used the 2x multiplier buttons with a few clicks--there is just no need for the +/- buttons to move the FPM's so quickly. This makes it very hard for some people to zero in on the correct FPM and I see many instances where someone thinks that the equipment was running at a 3x multiple of what it actually was and that never was a problem with the old fashioned strobe lights with the knob. I'd say that the durability isn't the best given the battery holder as a weak point. A mechanic broke the first one within 6 months. by dropping it which damaged the battery terminal "spring" (for lack of a better term) which subsequently broke off when trying to bend it back in place. I got it working again with some aluminum foil and had to order a 2nd strobe as backup. Everything else seems to be holding up good though. The cost is a bit high, but I figure what you are paying for is the convenience factor of the size. And as we all know, convenience, or lack there of us a strong indication of whether someone is actually going to want to use it without a lot of motivation.